Fibonacci Magic
A magic created from a series of number comes out from Indian mathematics, but it get its name “FIBONACCI SERIES” from an Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisa;
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55. . .
It follows golden ratio denoted as “Phi”, i.e a+b/a is equals to 1.6, whereas “a” should be the greater number.
Let’s see how it creates magic in natural phenomenon. The presence of Fibonacci sequence all around us is mesmerizing;
1) Plants
Small lines on a leaf follows this sequence, Petals of a growing flower supersede this sequence, Roots of a tree also follows the golden sequence.
2) Human Being
Yes, human are also the example of Fibonacci sequence, The ratio of forearm to hand is also golden ratio. one hand has five fingers, 3 boxes in each finger with couple of joints means 2,3,5. Interesting !
Just look at your face, the distance between your eyes, eyes and nose, mouth and nose are also considered to be in a fixed proportion which follows the Golden ratio, the more sharp the proportion is the more attractive and comely the face would be.
3) Nature
Inside many fruits, like banana and apple, you will easily find the Fibonacci sequence. Furthermore shells of many animals strictly follows the golden ratio, Fish like dolphins, its fins and arms also exhibit this ratio. The famous five-point symmetry with Golden proportions is found in starfish.